Wednesday, 10 February 2010

I’ve noticed something…when I go on Youtube or in certain chat rooms, there is a high volume of people being absolutely vile about certain women, calling them amongst many other things “bitches”, “whores”, “stupid cunts”.. and far from being taken to task there seems to be an overriding approval for these attitudes.
The “justification” ? The women being talked about are Jade Goody and Katie Price.
Now, both of these women annoy/ed the hell out of me, but the amount of time spent reviling them online is amazing.

It got me thinking; why do so many people have such a negative reaction to two women who made so much out of so little, eventually making a lot of money from very humble backgrounds? Could it be the age old British disease class snobbery?

If you ask people why they hate them so much, the answer is usually that they’ve become celebrities for doing very little. In which case they ought to have hated Diana Princess of Wales, who did bugger all for the first ten years, Tara Palmer Tompkinson, Peaches Geldof, and the many sons and daughters of a multitude of tv “personalities”, journalists, actors, authors…(one of these days I’m compiling a list of these. Seriously, if you recognise a young person’s surname they’ve probably got a parent in the same industry).

What many of these people have in common is that, generally, they have nepotism to thank for their success. Well I hate nepotism way more than I hate a girl with very little in the way of education who managed/manages to create wealth for themselves with little more than a good P.R. agent, savvy and nouse.

Of course, the thing that gives all of these bigots away is the liberal use of the word “chav” which is nothing more than a synonym for “working class”.

Oddly, many of the people who present these attitudes seem to love the endless stream of effluvia issuing from the televisual fundament of X Factor(y) et al..
There seems to be a collective deafness to the very limited talents of the winners and a wilful blindness to the massive machine that got these halfwits “to the top” in the first place !

I mean what has happened to the world when a woman who was in a personality contest, didn’t know if East Anglia was “foreign” or not, was wrongly pilloried for a “racist” outburst that she was probably the least offensive player in and eventually dies in the blinding glare of the media (which she very wisely made pay for the privilege) has become a hate figure somewhere up there with Hitler…I think Myra Hindley gets better press.

1 comment:

  1. But Katie Price IS Myra Hindley... simples!
