Thursday, 11 February 2010

Slap up!

See that picture of me in make up at the top of the page? it got me thinking. I used to wear make-up from my mid teens and only really stopped a few years ago. For me, it was never about looking like a "pretty lady" was, to all intents and purposes war paint. I did think the made up human face was beautiful, but it never even occurred to me it might be a way for me to attract people. I just loved the almost alchemical way it could change you. Not just physically, but from within, giving you reserves of bravery and sheer bloody cheek that ordinarily you wouldn't have. I used to go out during the day in full (some might say foolish) painted face. I knew there would be trouble, and as much as i feared it i craved it too. In fact, most people only shouted from a distance, I wasn't the first to realise that it actually acted as armour and some people feared you even as they derided you. In fact, i was beaten up only three times in my youth and each time i was out without make-up. I really pity men sometimes, there are such fantastic opportunities for self expression and self discovery that come with playing with your image and most men will never have an inkling of it.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of men are brought up to think that make-up and dressing up are girly stuff. Even aftershave is dangerously feminine for some men!
